Monthly Archives: June 2019


Epistemic fluency and mobile technology: A professional-plus perspective

9789811374098This chapter entitled “Epistemic fluency and mobile technology: A professional-plus perspective” comes from the recently published book “Education for practice in a hybrid space: Enhancing professional learning with mobile technology“. The chapter draws on the extended hybrid mind perspective and argues that modern technologies are a natural part of the epistemic environments of professional knowledge workers. They simultaneously demand greater epistemic fluency from professionals and support their  fluency. The chapter  discusses four core capabilities that characterise epistemic fluency and illustrate how they intertwine with technology. If you don’t have access to the digital copy of the chapter and you are interested, please email us or contact us via ResearchGate.


What does it mean to be a resourceful and skillful professional in an environment saturated with intelligent devices and connected to diverse knowledge resources and human networks? This chapter discusses the roles of mobile technology in professional work and learning from an extended hybrid mind perspective. We argue that professional knowledge and skills extend beyond individual humans to their physical, technological and social environment. Learning to be a professional means learning to extend and entwine one’s knowledge and skills with ‘intelligence’ that is embedded and embodied in a distributed technology–human environment. In doing so, we argue that practitioners become ‘professional-plus’. They need capabilities to work with different kinds of knowledge and embrace diverse ways of knowing that are distributed across humans with different expertise and machines.